Post by sorenwulff on Dec 13, 2010 20:08:14 GMT
t h e. b a s i c s
scratching the surface.
n a m e: Troghin
g e n d e r: Male
a g e: One year, seven months
b r e e d:Cheetah
Year Created: 1 Season:Summer
o n. f i r s t. l o o k
judging by appearances.
i m a g e:
p e l t: Honey yellow and black spots
e y e s: Dark umber
o t h e r:A nice sized nick in his left ear.
l o o k. a. l i t t l e. c l o s e r
delving deeper.
p e r s o n a l i t y: Troghin is a troublesome little bugger, causing all kinds of mayhem. He does not do so maliciously, but only for his own entertainment. Life is just a happy thing for him, or at least that is how it seems from the out side. He absolutely hates having nothing to do, and he swears that sitting still will kill him. Some say he has an over active imagination, after all talking to yourself about things no one in there right mind would understand would warrant such. It seems he is constantly switching from reality, to his own little world, muttering and mumbling while oblivious to his surroundings. Because of such a fertile imagination, has an amazing talent for telling stories, though this talent is often misused. His ways are not so much to gain attention, as most think, it's just his way of coping with reality. Though he is usually the happy-go-lucky type, there are a few things he cannot stand, the first and foremost being silence. If it's quiet, he will find any way to make it the opposite. His other pet peeves include mud and song birds.
h i s t o r y: Troghin has but one memory of his parents, their death. He was barely four months old when it had happened, not yet old enough to care for himself and traumatized by the bloody event. Even then fortune seemed to be smiling on him, and he was found by the elderly lion, Hari. He took an especial liking to him, though for a time the poor young cheetah seemed detached from everything. For near on a year Troghin stayed in his taciturn trance. Under Hari's charge Troghin eventually found his savior, stories. It was in these stories he could cover up his troubles, and maybe even forget them. But the thing with trouble is it happens much more than once in a persons (or cheetah as the case maybe) life. As the conditions became worse and worse, so did Hari's chances of survival. He didn't last much longer. Once again alone in the world Trohgin hid behind his stories, making up anything and everything to comfort himself. His story has never stayed the same way twice, confusing any who talk to him. He's hidden is past far in his mind, and hopes it will never resurface.